Thursday, May 30, 2013

Now Offering Online Workshops!

Hello Guys & Gals!

I am getting a lot of questions about the online workshops I am offering, so I thought I would put a blog together explaining them a bit more.

How the Workshops Will Work:

For now, the workshops will be conducted over Skype Video Conference and there is room for a total of 10 people to a workshop. I may eventually change to a different setup, however for right now I am using Skype because I feel that it will allow the workshops to be more interactive.

Here's the deal with Skype-it's easy and free to sign up. All you do is create an account, log in and I can add you to the conference call.  

Workshops Available:

Genealogy 101 with Kris Williams: Getting Started
Experience Level: Beginners

This is a workshop for those interested in genealogy who would like to get started but have no prior experience. I will cover the importance of researching your family's roots, how to gather the information needed to get started and cover some useful tools genealogists use to organize the information they have gathered. Each session will end with a Q&A session which will give attendees a chance to ask questions about the material covered.

The whole idea of the workshop is to give you a starting point and hopefully build your confidence on tackling your family history. Most people see it as overwhelming, although it takes some work it really just comes down to knowing how to start and where to look. Before you go diving into records, there is a bit of legwork that needs to be done. That is what this workshop will cover. I will also provide you with some worksheets which will help you record and organize the information as you collect it.

Eventually I will add more workshops covering other topics which will help you bring your research to the next step or level.

If this workshop interests you, there are two scheduled dates available. For more information and tickets go to:


Ethics In The Paranormal
Experience Level: All Levels

"Where do you think the paranormal will be 5 years from now?"

This is a question that was asked by a fan back when I first started and I was quick to answer that I had no idea. At that time I was trying to figure out where the paranormal was currently, I couldn’t possibly make a prediction based off no experience-and I wasn’t afraid to be honest about it.
After five years on the road getting on the job experience and seeing how much the field has changed in that short amount of time, I now have an answer.

Join me for a lecture on Ethics in the Paranormal where I will tackle the common problems investigators (as well as the field) face while covering the many parallels between today's fascination with the paranormal and the Spiritualist Movement of the mid 1800's-1920's.

If this workshop interests you, there is one scheduled date available (more dates will be posted soon). For more information and tickets go to:

Why Have Workshops?

To be honest, I love the interaction, I love helping people and I know not everyone can afford to jump on a plane and attend an event. This will be a fun, face to face way of passing on what I have learned over the years on topics I love.

I hope this has answered some of your questions! Obviously this is a new format but my experience is not. I look forward to working with you guys, whether it's teaching you to dig up your ancestors (not literally-that's just creepy) or sharing my experience as a paranormal investigator.

All the Best!

Kris Williams